Vignesh Jayavel

Sending mail (Bulk-mail/automated mail) using GMail smtp with CodeIgniter - PHP Snippet

Sending mail (Bulk-mail/automated mail) using GMail smtp with CodeIgniter - PHP Snippet

After a long struggle I found out that the following code works perfectly (even in your localhost) using the CodeIgniter email Helper. You can now send bulkmails using your gmail account!

[code language=”php”] $config = Array(‘smtp_user’ => ‘’,    ’smtp_pass’ => ‘yourpassword’, ‘protocol’=> ‘smtp’, ‘smtp_host’=> ‘ssl://’, ‘smtp_port’=> ‘465’, ‘smtp_timeout’=>’30’, ‘charset’=> ‘utf-8’, ‘newline’=>”\r\n”); $CI = &get_instance(); $CI->load->library(‘email’, $config); $CI->email->from(‘’, “yourname”); $CI->email->to($emailData[‘to’]); $CI->email->subject($emailData[‘subject’]); $CI->email->message($emailData[‘message’]); try{ $CI->email->send(); }catch(Exception $e){ echo $e->getMessage(); } [/code]