Vignesh Jayavel

SPOJ for beginners!

SPOJ for beginners!

CS people are always fantasized about online judges like SPOJ, TopCoder,.. People are so enthusiastic about solving problems on those sites, but begginers (Just like me!) usually end up bit frustrated and disappointed (You are not alone my friend!) due to the enormous uncategorized problemsets. I came across a tool to solve this issue. Amazin Online Tool To Classify SPOJ Problemset!!! Now you can filter out the problems based on the category you set (say bit-manipulation, string processing,.. to name a few). See only what you require! Solve only what you need to. Put on you thinking-cap. Sharpen you skillset on the topics that matter. Happy coding :) ps.You can also take a look at an alternative judge which is as powerful as SPOJ. It is called UVa judge . There exists a super-good tool to classify the problems for UVa also. Its called UVatoolkit.